SXSW Live Shots
March 14, 2000: Swollen Circus Hole in the Wall
For the past five years, Michael Hall and Walter Salas-Humara have
staged their "Swollen Circus" at the Hole in the Wall on the Tuesday
before SXSW. The concept is simple: a dozen or so of their musical
friends get 15 minutes apiece to perform "three concise pop tunes."
This means a long evening of non-stop music, with performances ranging
from absurd to outstanding. It's also a good chance for early-arriving
South by Southwesters to get a head start on the big party. International
conference attendees, especially, are usually make up a good portion
of the audience; at one point on Tuesday, you had to wonder what
country you were in, because of a myriad of other languages rising
up from the din. In fact, word of the evening's special nature has
spread far and wide, to the point where this year the Dragbound
landmark's crew claimed they had never had more people in the club.
This, of course, is related to the renovations in the bar's back
room, where SXSW has set up another stage. This year's free for
all was a good mix of old and new talent, with a heavy accent on
local groups and a decided leaning to pop's rootsy side. Opener/former
Silos member Tom Freund set the night's tone with a lonesome wail
and dark, spiritual subject matter. Whiskeytown's Ryan Adams, nearly
unrecognizable in a new haircut, hushed the boisterous crowd with
a set of stark and mournful new tunes. Hall's new Austin band, the
Brooders, were a surprising treat, with a ferocious guitar attack
and Hall's vein-poppingly intense frontsmanship. Gurf Morlix showcased
a few songs from his upcoming release, Toad of Titicaca ; the bracing,
riff-heavy selections surely spurred interest in the longtime guitarist/sideman
/producer's solo debut. Albuquerque's Hazeldine, three women with
enchanting harmonies, revealed their moody side on a couple of folk-based
tunes. With a couple of quirky, hook-laden new songs, Salas-Humara
and the Silos displayed why they remain one of the premier rock
& roots bands in America. Jon Dee Graham and Jo Carol Pierce added
to the night's eclectic nature with standout performances notable
for the local artists' nearly matchless ability to sketch everyday
life in simple yet striking ways. Another rousing success, the Swollen
Circus has undoubtedly outgrown the Hole in the Wall, yet without
all the sweat, smoke, and claustrophobia, it wouldn't be the same.
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