Texan: What's Your Pleasure? Celis, Shiner slug it out for
Austin beer supremacy
Andre Coe Daily Texan Staff
07/07/1998 - Another controversy is brewing in the City of Austin
as two local beer makers are butting heads to tap the party market
in the Live Music Capital of the World.
MATTHEW HEMPEL Daily Texan Staff Hole in the Wall daytime manager
and bartender supreme Brooks Brannon illustrates Austin beer drinkers'
Shiner-Celis dilemma.
Celis Brewery, located in Austin, has unveiled its new marketing
campaign to become Austin's official beer. "When people think
of Austin, we want them to think of the Celis Brewery," said Christine
Celis, the brewery's president. Celis officials said micro and
regional breweries have always achieved their greatest popularity
in their own hometown, so the company plans to focus its campaign
efforts on Austin residents. They have also gone to local bars
and restaurants to encourage bartenders and beer-drinkers to add
a slice of orange or a splash of orange juice to their Celis White
as a part of its new "Orange and White" campaign. However, most
bar owners and beer drinkers, including UT Orangebloods, seem
to have already unofficially declared Shiner Bock the official
beer of Austin. "Shiner is the number one seller. It beats every
[other beer] here ten to one," said Eddie Mack, the manager at
Texas Showdown, located at 2610 Guadalupe Street. "You don't want
to ask me about Celis -- I like it; it just doesn't sell." Many
frequenters of Texas Showdown, including Tom "Sarge" Painter,
a UT alumnus, affirm Shiner's status as top beer. With so many
beers and so little time, most local bar owners and beer drinkers
said Celis will have a hard time convincing Austin residents that
it is the city's official beer. The only catch is that Celis is
brewed here in the Austin city limits, while Shiner is an hour
and a half southeast of Austin in a sleepy town that is the beer's
namesake. In Shiner's defense, some bar owners weren't so sure
that putting oranges in beer will become a trend. "Hell, oranges
cost more than Celis White," said Brooks Brannon, a bartender
at Hole in the Wall Arcade and Restaurant on the Drag. However,
Brannon added that the owners of Celis are good people and they
come into Hole in the Wall all the time. Some UT students are
already backing Celis as their beer of choice. "I think that Celis
is a good representation of Austin because Austin is a relatively
young town," said finance junior Lorie Lutz. "I prefer Celis to
Shiner, no question -- Women prefer fruitier drinks, and anytime
you advertise something fruity, you're going to open the market
to more females who generally don't prefer the dark beers." Kelly
Jones, general manager at Copper Tank, located on Trinity St.
between Fifth and Sixth streets, said the large number of fans
of other popular beers could make becoming the official beer of
Austin a "big leap" for the Celis Brewery. Christopher Joseph,
known to his patrons as C. J., tends bar at Touche's at 417 E.
6th St. and said his top selling beers are Bud Light and Dos Equis,
which average about 24 cases per week and 2.5 kegs per month,
respectively. But, he added, Shiner Bock isn't too far back. "In
comparison to my number one seller, I buy about 10 to 15 cases
of Shiner for every 100 cases of beer," Joseph said. David Winkley,
a senior at Southwest Texas State University and a bartender at
Shakespeare's Pub, located at 314 E. 6th St., noted that only
a few people notice the difference between a pale beer or a bock,
and that most people aren't even aware of the many types of beer
there are. "Most people know Coors or Bud," Winkley said. Winkley
and several other bartenders agreed that whether or not Celis
gains the elusive "Official Beer of Austin" title, the biggest
seller in the area will continue to be Budweiser, or another well-known
American beer that benefits from plenty of advertising.